Take control of your money
with spreadsheets

Automatically sync data
from your financial

Prefer to manually track?
No problem.

Try it out in ourplayground ↗

Automatically categorize
your transactions.

Don't like ours? No problem.

Try it out in ourplayground ↗

Use built-in functions
to easily:
  1. Track Income and Spend.
  2. Project Net Worth and plan for your retirement.
  3. Screen Investments and optimize your portfolio.*
    *Coming soon

Try it out in ourplayground ↗

We don’t sell your data,
or sell you products like a
mortgage or credit card.

We take security seriously,
your data is encrypted
and is protected with
bank-grade security.

Cushion is in beta

If you'd like to test with us or if you have any feedback,
we'd love to keep in touch.

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